英语听力精选进阶版 15127(在线收听

English at Work 

Episode 33: Prepare for take off 

Language for booking a flight 

Narrator:  Hello again. Well, this is very exciting! Paul, the boss, is sending Anna and 

Tom on a business trip to France. He wants them to clinch the deal with a 

company interested in buying their Imperial Lemons. But has Tom got 

more than business on his mind? 

Tom:  Really? What… me and Anna… to France? 

Paul:  Yes but make sure you get that contract signed. We need the business. 

Tom:  Yeah, yeah, of course. Are we staying overnight? 

Paul:  There’s no money for that – just get there and come straight back. Oh and 

could you bring back those nice French biscuits that have in the duty-free 


Tom:  Sure. So, Anna, we’re off on holiday together are we?! 

Anna:  No! But I’ve got to book the flights online, can you help me please? 

Tom:  It’s not my thing. I’m sure Denise will help. I need to go and pack for this 


Denise:   (On the phone) Yes Marge… in the cupboard… envelopes apparently… Tom 

and Anna… oh here she is… got to go Marge… bye. Hello Anna, everything 


Anna:  Sort of. I’ve got to go to France with Tom. 

Denise:  Yes, I know. I thought you’d be pleased to go with Tom, after your time in 

the stationery cupboard with him! 

Anna:  I was just finding an envelope Denise. Anyway, I’m worried about booking 

the flights online. I usually book flights at a travel agent's. 

Denise:  It’s company policy now, we have to do everything online – even my food 

shopping – but don’t tell Paul. 

Anna:  Oh right. So where shall I begin? 

Denise:  Pull up a chair Anna and we’ll log on. Right let’s start with the British 

Airlines website. There. London to Marseille. What is the outbound date?  

Anna:  Going out tomorrow, back tomorrow. 

Denise:  Business class or Economy class? I think we’ll say Economy. 

Anna:  That’s cheaper I guess. What’s this mean? Flexible or fixed? 

Denise:  A flexible ticket means you can change your flight but a fixed one means 

you can’t – and that’s cheaper so we'll choose that one. I’ll book you on the 

8am flight from Heathrow and flying home at 6pm. I just need to type in 

your full names now and select your seats. Window or aisle? 

Anna:  I’ll what? 

Denise:  No Anna. A seat by the aisle or by the window? 

Anna:  Oh, an aisle seat please, Denise. 

Denise:  Good. What’s your frequent flyer number? 

Anna:  Oh I don’t have one of those. 

Tom:  What’s that? Frequent flyer number? Here I’ve got a gold status card, can 

you stick my number in? 

Denise:  Gold status! Where did you get that?  

Tom:  Oh, I’ve flown loads of times for business. I’ve done deals all around the 


Narrator:  He means he’s been on lots of jollies – free trips paid for by the company – 

and all he’s come home with is a sun tan! 

Denise:  Hmm, really. Right I just need to pay now… using the company account of 


Tom:    Cool. Now, what do you think of my sunglasses?  

Anna:  Lovely Tom. Denise has booked you a window seat OK? 

Tom:  No! Sorry I can’t sit by the window… I’m… errr… 

Denise:  Yes Tom? 

Tom:  Well, I mean, it’s only polite that the lady sits by the window. 

Denise:  Really?! 

Narrator:  What’s Tom like?! Hopefully he’ll prove a useful business partner for Anna 

on the trip to France. Here’s a reminder of some of the questions you may 

be asked when booking a flight… 

What’s the outbound and return date? 

Do you want to fly business or economy? 

Do you want a fixed or flexible ticket? 

Would you like a window or aisle seat? 

Have you got a frequent flyer number? 

Denise:  There you go you two, your e-ticket. Now don’t forget your passports. 

Tom:  Thanks Denise. Hey Anna, I’m so pleased that we’re on this trip together. 

It’ll be nice to spend some time with you. 

Anna:  Yes and to do some business and really show Paul we are his best 


Tom:  Oh yeah, of course… I just wondered… 

Anna:  Yes? 

Tom:  Is there any chance I could sit in the aisle seat? 

Narrator:  I’ve got a feeling Anna’s in for a bumpy ride. Find out how their trip goes 

next time on English at Work. See ya! 

?  Listening Challenge  

Does Anna want a window or an aisle seat on the plane? 

(Answer: Aisle) 
