英语听力精选进阶版 15129(在线收听

English at Work 

Episode 35: Lost in France 

Language for briefing the Manager 

Narrator:  Welcome back to English at Work, where Anna and Tom are in a bit of a 

predicament. Following a successful business meeting, they've returned to 

the airport to discover their flight has been cancelled. What are they going 

to do next? 

Tom:  Right, they've rebooked us on to the next flight, which is at 7 o'clock 

tomorrow morning. 

Anna:  Tomorrow morning?! What are we going to do until then? 

Tom:  It's OK Anna, calm down. I've sorted out a hotel… quite a nice one actually. 

Anna:  But what about our new contract? I've got to sort it out! 

Tom:  Anna, take a deep breath… it'll be ok. Let's go and get a drink and we'll 

work things out. 

Narrator:  Anna, maybe Tom's right for once. Go and enjoy some French hospitality. 

You've done really well today but perhaps you should keep your boss Paul, 

in the picture. 

Anna:  In the picture? I didn't take any photos. 

Narrator:  No Anna! I mean keep him informed. It's always a good idea to keep the 

boss updated on what's going on – he is the boss after all. 

Anna:  OK. I will. 

In a bar… 

Tom:  Yeah, this one looks quite cosy. I'll order us a beer shall I? 

Anna:  I'd prefer an orange juice please. 

Tom:  Oh really? OK then. (Trying to speak French) Err, Garcon. Je m’appelle un 

beer et citron juice thing. Au revoir! 

Anna:  What?! No Tom! Pardon, Je voudrais une grande biere et du juice d’orange 

s’il vous plait. 

Waiter:  Oui Madame. 

Tom:  I think she likes you! Well, everyone likes you Anna. I like you because… 

Anna:  I like you too Tom but don't you think I should call Paul and update him on 

what's going on… keep him in the picture?

Tom:  I dunno. Let's just enjoy this moment shall we? And besides, he'll be at his 

biscuit appreciation class by now. 

Anna:  No. I would be happier just to call him. Could I borrow your mobile phone 

please? My battery has run out. 

Tom:  Yeah sure. You'll find his number under Attila the Hun. 

Anna:  Attila the Hun? 

Tom:  Just my little joke! 

Anna:  Cheeky! But hold on… what am I going to say to him? 

Narrator:  Well, don't call him Attila the Hun! Think before you call him: It's good 

news – you've closed the deal and the contract is signed. We need to 

proceed with the order as quickly as possible. And say, I'm committed to 

getting the order delivered on time. But if you need help, ask for it. 

Anna:  OK I will. It's ringing… 

Paul:  Hello? 

Anna:  Hi Paul. It's Anna. I've got some good news! 

Paul:  Hold on. (finishes eating a biscuit) Sorry, I'm just munching some new 

crumbly cream biscuits. Now, what's the good news? Is it about the 


Anna:  Yes! I've closed the deal with Fruit Traders International and the contract is 


Paul:  Excellent news. 

Anna:  To keep them happy, we need to proceed with the order as quickly as 


Paul:  Of course, of course. So what are you planning to do? 

Anna:  Well, obviously, I'm committed to getting the order delivered on time but I 

might need some help. I wonder if Tom could… 

Paul:  Yes, Tom can help you. Denise tells me you have a… special chemistry! 

Actually, where is Tom now? Is he home yet? 

Anna:  He's not. Actually Paul, Tom and I are going to stay in a hotel tonight… 

Hello? Hello? Oh, I've lost the signal, he's gone. 

Tom:  Never mind Anna. I think he got the message. Another drink? 

Narrator:  Let's hope Paul has got the right message about Anna and Tom! Anyway, 

she's briefed the boss and kept him in the picture. Here's a reminder of 

some of the phrases she used: 

It's good news – I've closed the deal and the contract is signed.  

We need to proceed with the order as quickly as possible.  

I'm committed to getting the order delivered on time… but I will need some 


Narrator:  A good day's work for Anna but now it's time for bed. 

Tom:  (Finishing his drink) Right, well, it's time for bed. We've got an early start 


Anna:  So, where are we staying? 

Tom:  A lovely little boutique hotel, just round the corner. I've booked a room 

with a view. 

Anna:  A room? One room?! 

Tom:  Err yeah. That's all they had, actually… honest! 

Narrator:  Hmm. This could be interesting. Let's hope things remain professional.  

Until next time. Bye! 

Listening challenge: 

What does Anna want to drink at the bar?  

 (Answer: an orange juice) 
