
Donald Trump’s dramatic meeting at the Demilitarized Zone with Kim Jong-un, was it a reality television stunt for a step toward peace? It depends on who you ask. While many in Washington DC are skeptical of the Trump-Kim conversations, here in the capital of South Korea, many support the talks. I thought it was a well-executed meeting, and I hope it will bring us closer toward Korean unification. I feel like this meeting could help bring about peace and help advance the inter-Korean relationship. I think it is very meaningful and I’m happy with it. It should be repeated in the Korean Peninsula and contribute to peace. Poll suggest a majority of South Koreans support talks with Kim though that support is slipping. I’m suspicious about what it means for a sitting US president to visit North Korea. I’m quite negative about it.


The reason I’m not entirely satisfied is because South Korea is being excluded. South Korean President Moon Jae-in has prioritized outreach to North Korea. For him, resetting stalled nuclear talks was a major win, says North Korea’s specialist Kim Dong Yub. This was not just a photo opportunity. It was meaningful. The summit lasted more than 50 minutes, and it was announced afterwards that working-level talks would resume. There are plenty of reasons to be skeptical. Trump is giving Kim the international legitimacy he craves that despite Kim making no nuclear concessions. But for many in Seoul, that’s just what comes with diplomacy. Both sides are being political to some extent. Our government and experts are being optimistic. On the other hand, there is widespread anti-Trump atmosphere in the United States. So whatever Trump does, they do not like it. The big question is what Trump and Kim do next.

我并非完全满意的理由是:韩国被隔绝在外了。韩国总统文在寅一向将与朝鲜往来视为头等大事。对文在寅来说,重启已经停滞的核谈是重大胜利,朝鲜专家Kim Dong Yub如是说道。这不只是拍照留念的机会,这样的会议意义重大。特金会持续了50多分钟。特金会结束后宣布称工作层面的会议还将继续。有很多理由支持我们持怀疑态度。特朗普给金正恩以国际合法地位,这是金正恩迫切想要得到的,虽然金正恩并未在核谈方面做出任何让步。但对于韩国的很多人来说,外交正是如此。两方在某种程度上都带有政治目的。我们的政府和专家都持积极态度。另一方面,美国出现广泛的反特情绪。因此,无论特朗普做什么,大家都不喜欢。最大的问题在于下一步特朗普和金正恩会做什么。
