2019年经济学人 一周要闻 任正非谈华为被“封杀” 福特大众宣布全球联盟 纽蒙特斥100亿美元并购Goldcorp(在线收听


Ford and Volkswagen launched an alliance through which they will work together on making pickup trucks for the global market and commercial vans in Europe. The carmakers said they were also looking at ways to collaborate on electric cars, autonomous vehicles and mobility services, though they provided scant detail about how they would do that. The announcement left little impression on investors. Ford’s share price later tumbled when it warned that its fourth-quarter earnings would fall short of expectations and that it will be “prudent” when forecasting its annual profit.


Precious metals


The consolidation in the goldmining industry stepped up a notch as Newmont, which is based in Denver, agreed to buy Goldcorp, a Canadian rival, in a $10bn deal. The combined company will be the world’s biggest goldminer, vaulting ahead of the recently merged Barrick-Randgold.


In a rare public interview, Ren Zhengfei, the founder and president of Huawei, denied that the Chinese maker of telecoms equipment posed a security threat to other countries, asserting that China does not require it to install “back doors” into network systems. Huawei’s apparatus has been barred from government use in America and elsewhere. One of its executives was arrested in Poland recently for spying (he has since been dismissed by the company).

在一次罕见的公开采访中,华为创始人兼总裁任正非(Ren Zhengfei)否认这家中国电信设备制造商对其他国家构成安全威胁,并坚称中国政府从未要求华为在网络系统中安装“后门”。华为的设备已经在美国和其他地区被禁用。该公司一名高管最近在波兰因间谍罪被捕(后来他被公司解雇)。

Faced with ruinous liabilities arising from the role its power lines played in sparking wildfires in California, Pacific Gas and Electric said that it intended to file for bankruptcy protection as its “only viable option”. Fire officials have found that the state’s biggest utility was responsible for 17 wildfires in 2017. It is also being investigated over last year’s devastating infernos.

