2019年经济学人 阿曼马斯喀特皇家歌剧院(2)(在线收听


Oil has fuelled the opera boom, but Western expertise has helped. Jasper Hope, formerly of the Royal Albert Hall in London and now chief executive of Dubai Opera, has introduced a spin-off from the bbc Proms. Umberto Fanni, the well-connected director of the rohm, has attracted prestigious artists to Oman. Plácido Domingo has sung there; a new production of “Rigoletto” by Franco Zeffirelli, a legendary director, is due to open in Muscat next year.


Still, adapting a mannered—and often bawdy—European art form to local tastes is a challenge. “The risk is that you disorientate audiences,” says Farid Rahi, ceo of Opera Lebanon (itself founded in 2015). “You need a very simple theatrical language.” Sex and religion cause particular problems.“When we staged ‘La Traviata’ [Verdi’s opera about a Parisian courtesan], we had water instead of wine,” Mr Fanni recalls. The production in Muscat emphasised the heroine’s “dignified journey to death rather than her libertine lifestyle.”


As well as European classics, the ROHM offers works from the Middle East, such as “Antar and Abla”, an Arabic opera commissioned by Opera Lebanon. Mr Fanni’s ultimate aim is to replace the imported shows that have hitherto dominated the repertoire with in-house productions. The Teatro Carlo Felice in Genoa provided the chorus and musicians for “Lakmé”, but the ROHM made the sets. Mr Fanni hopes soon to mix Omani musicians with the foreign players who occupy the orchestra pit now.


The complexion of the audience is also changing—slowly. When the ROHM was inaugurated during the Arab spring, protesters decried the project’s profligacy. Local interest in opera has risen; but even now, only around 15% of punters are Omani.

