英语听力精选进阶版 16321(在线收听


Business Matters: France won't deliver warships to Russia 4 Sep 14

Thu, 4 Sep 14

French socialist politician Christophe Premat talks to Roger Hearing about President Hollande's decision not to deliver two Mistral navy assault ships to Russia. Anne-Elisabeth Moutet discusses whether M. Hollande bowed to pressure from his European neighbours or held out so long because he was simply reluctant to put French jobs at risk. Gideon Long joins us from Santiago, Chile, where General Pinochet's former son-in-law is at the centre of an illegal share trading scandal. Plus: we're serenaded by Spanish miners, lamenting the loss of a once mighty industry. In New York, Sabri Ben-Achour examines tiny apartments - a new, Manhattan phenomenon called 'micro units'; in Singapore, Angela Mancini talks property prices and relocation. Juliana Liu is in Hong Kong with news of electoral reform, mixed marriages and the trials of US companies operating in China.
