
Syria’s Raqqa Struggles to Recover, 2 Years After IS Ouster

Nearly two years after its recapture from Islamic State militants, the Syrian city of Raqqa struggles to recover from a war that devastated all aspects of normal life here.


US backed Syrian democratic forces liberated Raqqa from the terror group in October 2017,but during the three-month long battle, much of the city’s infrastructure was destroyed to rubble.


Local officials complained that international coalition to defeat IS, which helped free the city, lost interest in rebuilding Raqqa,as the focus has shifted to other areas liberated from the Islamic State.


We used to meet second-tier coalition officials, sometimes from the first tier,but now we only get visits by an employee from the French Ministry of Defense or British Ministry of Agriculture, or an employee responsible for civil society in the US government.


The Raqqa civil council which was founded during the battle to liberate the city, has been largely responsible for reconstruction,but funding shortages forced them to concentrate on restoring essential services to allow more displaced people to return.


To repair roads and bridges we had to use primitive methods.We basically brought rubble from elsewhere in the city and used it to backfill destroyed bridges and roads.We have too little money for anything more than this emergency solution.


Nine main bridges over the Freddy’s River and nearby irrigation canals were destroyed during the battle against IS.So far, only three have been repaired. Returning Raqqa residents find a lot of wreckage.


We found our properties were knocked down to the ground.This building was destroyed.They rebuilt this building, but the owner of another house was asked to pay 1 billion Syrian Ounce to rebuild it,but they didn’t have that money, so they went to regime-controlled areas.


The deteriorating local economy makes returnees wonder if coming back was wise.


The economic situation is bad.The market movement is slow and prices are too high, and there is no electricity.


Without prompt progress in Raqqa local officials warn, extremism could rise again in the city and beyond.


War on terror isn’t only military.If we don’t pay attention to agriculture, education and health care, in the next 10 years, a new generation of terrorists will rise here.


The United States last year cut about two hundred and thirty million dollars in funding for Northeast Syria.Washington said it would instead rely on financial contributions from countries such as Saudi Arabia, UAE and other members of the anti-IS coalition.


Despite those cuts, the US remains the largest single national humanitarian donor for the Syrian response,providing nearly 8.1 billion dollars in humanitarian assistance, since the start of the crisis for displaced people inside Syria and the region.

