英语听力精选进阶版 16728(在线收听


Business Matters: US passes net neutrality rules 27 Feb 15

Fri, 27 Feb 15

The US communications watchdog votes for tougher internet regulation, upholding the principle of net neutrality. But the industry, which wants an extra charge for high-bandwidth users like Netflix or YouTube, has warned of lengthy legal challenges and cuts in infrastructure investment. We have a special report on one of Brazil's largest and most-admired companies, the oil firm Petrobras, and its dramatic fall from grace. The Indian government announces a $137bn investment in its railway network over the next five years - many say it's much needed. Lucy Kellaway of the Financial Times tells us what to do when we get a hiring decision badly wrong, and Alison van Diggelen, host of San Francisco radio programme Fresh Dialogues, explains the drive to encourage more women into tech industries. We're also joined throughout by Tony Nash, from Delta Economics, based in Singapore.
