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WBR: Are fears over EU US trade deal valid? 26 Feb 15

Thu, 26 Feb 15

The US and EU are negotiating a deal which could be the biggest trade agreement in history - but who will be the winners and losers? The BBC has obtained a draft of what the EU wants excluded from the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership or TTIP. One such exclusion would remove publicly-funded health services like Britain's National Health Service. India's government has announced a $170bn injection of cash for its ageing railway network over the next 5 years - the BBC's Ashleigh Nghiem reports from Mumbai. Brazil's biggest energy company, Petrobras, has been engulfed in a corruption scandal involving allegations of price fixing and bribes paid to politicians. The BBC's South America Business Correspondent Daniel Gallas looks at how one of Brazil's largest and most admired companies fell from grace. And what to do when recruitment goes disastrously wrong - our regular commentator Lucy Kellaway of the Financial Times gives her take on hiring and firing.
