英语听力精选进阶版 16856(在线收听


WBR: Saudi can tolerate low oil price 19 Jan 2015

Mon, 19 Jan 15

The era of cheap oil may be set to last, but at what cost to other big oil producers? Also in the programme, several large charities in India have had their access to foreign funds restricted or frozen - we talk to Samit Aich from Greenpeace India who is taking the Indian government to court. BBC Business Editor Kamal Ahmed explains why the supermarket Tesco faced a billion dollar rebellion from one of its biggest suppliers. Plus we find out why vloggers - that's people who post video blogs - have built an industry that is now said to be worth $4.5 billion. Sally Whittle runs blogging communities and vlogs herself. And our regular commentator Lucy Kellaway of the Financial Times has been putting quite a lot of thought into whether workers need to spend more time thinking.
