英语听力精选进阶版 16959(在线收听


Business Matters: The Swiss Dilemma 20 Mar 15

Fri, 20 Mar 15

The price of success: why the high value of the Franc is spelling disaster for some Swiss companies. We'll also look at Andalucia a region of Spain still stuck in the financial doldrums seven years after the crisis began. PLUS Moroccan rapper El Haqed talks openly about lack of freedom and high levels of corruption in his country. It has cost him three spells in prison and a ban on performing live in Morocco. Yesterday, he won an 'Index on Censorship' freedom of speech award in London. He speaks to the programme about his experiences. Plus the Faroe Islands have suddenly become a tourist hot spot ahead of tomorrow's eclipse: but will they be able to cope with all the visitors? From Singapore, we are joined by Nisad Hajari Asia Editor for Bloomberg View and from Toronto, by Ralph Silva of the Silva Research Network.
