英语听力精选进阶版 17079(在线收听


Business Matters: Deutsche Bank in Record $2.5bn Fine 24 Apr 15

Fri, 24 Apr 15

Germany's biggest bank is fined a record $2.5bn by US and UK regulators for trying to manipulate interest rates. But are financial penalties enough of a deterrent? In the last in our series of interviews with key figures from each of the UK's main political parties, ahead of next month's general election, we hear from the Conservative Party’s Daniel Hannan, a Member of the European Parliament and a strong critic of the EU. From Washington, we are joined by Dan Viederman. On the two-year anniversary of the Rana Plaza tragedy, he tells us about his work with governments and businesses to improve working conditions and eliminate human rights violations. And from Delhi, we are joined by journalist Joyti Malhotra. The UN releases its World Happiness Report, we speak to one its authors Jeffrey Sachs on why governments should care about their country's ranking.
