英语听力精选进阶版 17091(在线收听


Business Matters: Verizon to buy AOL for $4.4bn 13 May 15

Wed, 13 May 15

Verizon offers $4.4bn dollars for AOL, giving one of the oldest names in online tech a new lease of life. We ask what's in it for both sides. The US bourbon industry is facing something of a crisis, and it's partly down to the US housing market crash of eight years ago. The lumber industry that used to provide construction materials has been decimated, leaving distillers struggling to find the white oak barrels needed to store the drink. Meanwhile, demand for bourbon is soaring. We discuss why the British election boiled down to a basic question of trust in economic management. Theo Leggett has a special report on how London transport bosses are cashing in on the property boom below street level. And the newest US presidential library will be in Chicago - will it just be a hugely expensive vanity project? Dave Shaw, from Marketplace, joins us from Washington to discuss. We're also joined throughout by Catherine Yeung, of Fidelity Worldwide Investment in Hong Kong.
