
 Hello, Melissa. 梅丽莎

You put that mask in my bag. 你把面具放到我包里
You followed me. 你跟踪我
You can't run to your room right now. Not this time. 你现在不能回你房间  这次不行
We're not going anywhere until I get some answers. 在我得到答案之前  我们哪也别想不去
When was the last time an answer made you any happier? 最后一次你得到满意的答案是什么时候
Were you on the halloween train? 你究竟有没有在幽灵列车上
Is that where you saw Mona in the Ali mask? 你是不是在那看到了梦娜戴着艾莉的面具
It was Mona. 是梦娜
That woman that was just here, 刚才在这的那个女人
that woman that left with the sack... 拿着袋子离开的那个女人
She wanted to know about those. 她想了解这些东西
I made her the same deal. 我跟她做了相同的交易
She traded her face for information? 她用她的脸来交换信息
What did you tell her? 你都跟她说了什么
Less than I told you. 比我跟你说的要少
You know, you have a very interesting face. 你有一张非常有意思的脸
Yeah, I'm gonna keep it, too. 是啊  我也会保住这张脸
You asked Shana 你问过莎娜
where somebody could get a mask like that. 从什么地方能弄到一个那样的面具
You wanted to know if Alison came here and ordered it. 你想知道那面具是不是艾莉森订的
And I wanted to know when it was made. 我还想知道面具是什么时候做的