2019年经济学人 一周要闻 南非爆发排外骚乱 多里安重创巴哈马 罗兴亚难民被孤立(在线收听


The government of Bangladesh ordered mobile-phone operators to end service in the camps housing Rohingya Muslim refugees from Myanmar, and to stop selling mobile access to residents of the camps. The UN said the move would further isolate the 750,000 Rohingyas, who fled a pogrom backed by the Burmese army in 2017.


Kazakhstan’s president, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, promised to ease laws restricting public protests. Police have suppressed sporadic demonstrations against his stage-managed succession to the presidency earlier this year, after the abrupt resignation of Nursultan Nazarbayev, the strongman of 30 years. Mr Tokayev also affirmed Mr Nazarbayev’s daughter Dariga as head of the senate and thus next in line to the presidency.

哈萨克斯坦总统托卡耶夫承诺放宽限制公众抗议的法律。在执政30年的铁腕人物努尔苏丹·纳扎尔巴耶夫(Nursultan Nazarbayev)突然辞职后,警方镇压了今年早些时候反对纳扎尔巴耶夫上台的零星示威活动。托卡耶夫还确认纳扎尔巴耶夫的女儿达丽加(Dariga)为参议院议长,因此她将成为下一任总统。

Seeking shelter


Hurricane Dorian, thought to be equal in strength to the most powerful ever recorded in the Atlantic to make landfall, devastated the Bahamas. With sustained winds of up to 185mph (300kph) the storm hit the Abaco islands, which have 17,000 inhabitants, before moving on to Grand Bahama, which has 52,000. It caused the sea to rise nearly eight metres (26 feet) above normal. At least 20 people died.


Iván Márquez, a former second-in-command of the farc, a guerrilla group that ended its 52-year war against the Colombian state in 2016, announced that he would lead fighters back into battle, accusing Colombia’s government of “shredding” the peace agreement. Most leaders of the farc, now a political party with seats in congress, condemned Mr Márquez’s return to war.

伊万·马尔克斯(Ivan Marquez)是哥伦比亚革命武装力量(farc)的前二把手,该游击队组织于2016年结束了与哥伦比亚政府长达52年的战争。伊万宣布,将带领武装分子重返战场,指责哥伦比亚政府“撕毁”和平协议。哥伦比亚革命武装力量(farc)现在是在国会拥有席位的政党,其大多数领导人谴责马克斯重燃战火。

Police in Guatemala arrested Sandra Torres, the runner-up in the presidential election in August, on charges of violating campaign-finance laws. She claimed that she was being politically persecuted.

危地马拉警方逮捕了今年8月总统大选的第二名桑德拉·托雷斯(Sandra Torres),罪名是违反竞选资金法。她声称自己受到政治迫害。

No end in sight


The international Red Cross said that as many as 100 people were killed when an air strike by the Saudi-led coalition that is fighting Houthi rebels in Yemen hit a detention centre under rebel control. The Saudis said the centre had been used to store drones. A UN report listed possible war crimes that have been committed in the five-year conflict, which include the use of indiscriminate air strikes.


Israel exchanged fire with Hizbullah, the Lebanese militia-cum-party backed by Iran, in their most serious border clash in years. Israel was responding to a missile attack from Hizbullah, which the militia said was in retaliation for an Israeli drone attack in the suburbs of Beirut.


Police in South Africa arrested 300 people after riots directed at migrants from other parts of Africa broke out in Johannesburg and Pretoria, killing at least five people. Violence against workers from other areas of the continent is relatively common in South Africa, which has an official unemployment rate of 29%.


Pope Francis started a week-long visit to Mozambique, Madagascar and Mauritius, his second trip to sub-Saharan Africa.

