ABC潘玮柏教学地道日常口语 Unit1(在线收听) |
Lesson1.修女也疯狂 我们常听人家讲ABC,指的是华裔美国人,那ABC究竟是哪几个字?其实ABC很简单,就是American born Chinese,在美国出生的华人的意思。以此类推,华裔韩国人就叫KBC,Korean born Chinese,华裔加拿大人就是CBC,Canadian born Chinese......,总之,不同国家出生的华人就照这个逻辑推就对了。 ◎Ace 拿到成绩(A) I Studied hard for the test and aced my math test with a high score of 99! 我为了这次的考试拼命用功,数学考试拿到超级高的分数99分! ◎Fail 搞砸、考试失利 I Failed my math test.I only scored a 50 on it 我的数学考试没过,只拿了50分。 Don't fail the job. it's the best chance you'll ever get. 别把这个工作搞砸,这是你所能得到的最佳机会。 I haven't done anything in my life. I am such a failure. 我一生一事无成,真是个失败的人。 *********************** ※ fail是搞砸的意思,也是动词,而failure是名词,就是错误,或是用来形容人,就是失败者的意思。 *********************** ◎Flunk 留级、不及格 I took my math class twice because I flunked my final exam. 我修了两次同样的数学课,因为我期末*不及格 He flunked 6th grade and had take classes again. 他六年级留级了,必须重新修课。 ◎smarty 聪明的人 ◎ smart arse自以为聪明的家伙 He's such a smarty. He always aces his tests. 他真是聪明的人,考试总能过关。 Don't be such a smart arse. you aren't that bright!! 别自以为聪明,你才没那么厉害!! *********************** ※ smarty是形容词smart(聪明)加上y,当成名词使用,是相当口语的用法。而smart arse 就有讽刺的意思了,聪明的屁股到底聪不聪明呢?再怎么聪明也好不到那儿去吧! *********************** ◎Suck=stink 逊 I suck at basketball. I can never make my shots. 我打篮球逊毙了,从没进过一球。 When it comes to big games. he just stinks because he gets nervous 每次遇上大的球赛他总是表现的很逊,因为他很紧张。 ◎Rip Off 占便宜(钱)、过高(而不实)的价格 Give me back my 3 dollars. why are you trying to rip me off!! 还我3块钱,你干么要占我便宜! The 100 dollar jacket is such a rip off. 这件100元的夹克根本不值得这个价钱,它太贵了! ◎Stutter 说话结巴 I always Stutter on my words when I get nervous 当我感到紧张时,我说话总是结巴。 His boyfriend started stuttering when she asked him about the affair. 她的男朋友开始结巴起来,当她问起外遇的事情。 ◎Chit Chat 聊天 She's such an energetic girl and likes to chit chat with everyone 她真是个精力充沛的女孩,喜欢跟每个人聊天。 ◎ill 生病、感到不适、正点 Sara was feeling ill and dizzy after the car crash. 车祸后莎拉生病而且觉得头昏。 That move was ill! 那部电影真是正点! ◎Dorpped on tongue 说话不清楚、讽刺刚出生时舌头受损不太会说话 As a child he was dorpped on his tongue. and that is why he can't seem to communicate with everyone else 这小孩还不太会说话,因此他看来不太能和其它人沟通。 ◎Break it off 中止(打架或混乱的战斗) The police broke off the fight outside of the nightclub. 警察中止了俱乐部外的打斗。 ◎Knock it off 别吵了、别闹了、中止(小鬼们)的胡闹 Peter told john to knock if off when he kept on punching him on him arm. 彼得叫约翰停止胡闹,当他猛捶彼得的手臂时。
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