美国有线新闻 CNN 特朗普政府计划禁止销售调味电子烟(在线收听


What did CDC stand for when the agency was founded in 1946? Centers for Disease Control, Communicable Disease Center, Center for Disease Containment or Council on Disease Containment. What began as the Communicable Disease Center is now the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The CDC is one of the organizations investigating an outbreak of illnesses related to vaping, smoking electronic cigarettes. Across 33 states and the U.S. Virgin Islands, hundred of possible cases have been reported. Health officials say they don't know yet what the specific cause is but all of the people who've gotten sick have a history of using e-cigarettes. On Wednesday, the Trump Administration announced a proposed ban on flavored e-cigarette products. If the government's recommendations are enacted in the months ahead, only tobacco flavored would be allowed.

The makers of the other flavors would be able to ask for government approval to sell their products, but they wouldn't be allowed to do so unless those products actually get approved. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, more than 24 percent of American high school students say they vaped within the past month, mostly with fruit or mint flavors. It's part of a continued rise in the number of young people who are vaping.
