英语PK台 第1019期:iPhone11来了(在线收听


Dialogue 1

Jingjing: Mark, are you going to get a new phone anytime soon?


Mark: Not until this one breaks.


Jingjing: Wow, I can't believe you're still rocking an iPhone 6. Aren't you having problems with the battery?

京晶:哇,真不敢相信你竟然还在炫iPhone 6,电池不是出问题了吗?

Mark: I had it replaced at a good fix-it shop near where I work.


Jingjing: Hmm, well I'm looking at the iPhone 11. I'm surprised that it costs less than last year's XR did.

京晶:好吧,我正在看iPhone 11。我惊讶了,比去年的XR便宜呢。

Mark: Yeah, but you might be disappointed if you don't opt for bigger memory. And you should consider the pro model.


Jingjing: That's a huge jump in price.


Mark: Right. You'd have to read up on whether or not an iPhone 11 pro would make sense for you. I know you use your phone a lot and you treat it really well.

马克:是啊。你最好仔细研究一下iPhone 11 pro是否适合你。我知道你用手机很频繁,而且你把它维护得很好。

Jingjing: I do that. But I don't want to throw money around. I'll have to get much more than 64GB in storage, for sure.


Mark: Yeah. That'd get filled up in a weekend.


Jingjing: It would. And I wouldn't want to be the one at a party deleting old pictures to make room for new ones.


Mark: What a first-world problem.


Jingjing: Yeah. I still don't know how you make do with your bare-bones smartphone.


Mark: I'll show you my cloud drive sometime. Until then, consider shelling out an extra one or two thousand to make your next year or two a bit easier.


Jingjing: I probably will. I want to be the one at parties who can say, hey let's use my phone, so we can get everyone in the picture.


Mark: Yeah, I heard about the wide-angle lens on the iPhone 11. Shop wisely, Jingjing!

马克:是啊。我听说了iPhone 11的超广角镜头,去明智地选购吧,京晶。

New words : 习语短语

rocking (something)


– holding/wearing something, especially if it's stylish or impressive (here, “rocking” is used sarcastically)

fix-it shop 维修店

– a repair shop

opt 选择;挑选

- choose

read up on (something)钻研; 熟读

– study something, get enough information to make a good decision

throw money around 挥金如土 大手大脚花钱

– spend too much money, waste money, pay for things that might be cheaper or free later

first-world problem 发达国家的问题

– a problem people only have in developed countries (NOT starvation, POSSIBLY angst)

bare-bones 最基本的;降到最低限度的

– simple, having no extra features

wide-angle lens 广角镜头

– the glass in front of a camera sensor, which can get more into a picture so that, for example, if someone takes a group photo from 3 meters away, all the people can be seen in the photo

Dialogue 2

Jingjing: Mark, wanna check out my new phone?


Mark: Sure. Let's see what it looks like. Huh? That's your old one!


Jingjing: Yeah, here's a picture of the pro and the regular iPhone 11. Help me decide.

京晶:是的,这有一张iPhone 11 pro和普通版的照片。帮我做决定吧。

Mark: A picture?! You had me going there for a second. So you haven't made it out to buy one yet.


Jingjing: Nope. I was too busy last week. I'm glad I've had a chance to sleep on it a few nights. Now no decision is so likely to feel like the wrong one.


Mark: Yeah. Haste makes waste. Say, have you thought about buying an XR? The new release is bound to knock a thousand or two off that price.


Jingjing: That's worth considering. I've really got my heart set on the new camera though.


Mark: Yeah. Since you take lots of photos with your phone, you should treat yourself to an iPhone 11.

马克:是啊,既然你都是用手机来拍照片,那你就给自己买一部iPhone 11吧。

Jingjing: Alright. I'll probably step out to the Apple Store after work.


Mark: Don't get suckered into too many upgrades and add-ons.


Jingjing: You know me, Mark. I'm not too impulsive. Anyway, I'd have to wait a few more days for the iPhone pro.

京晶:马克,你知道我的。我没那么冲动。不管怎么样,iPhone pro还得再等几天。

Mark: Yeah, I guess there's nothing impulsive about pre-order.


Jingjing: Aww, you're just envious I'll probably have a new smartphone before you.


Mark: Ha ha. Well, if you say it that way, you better hurry. I have a new tablet near the top of my shopping list.


Jingjing: Oh yeah? Are you going to buy one soon?


Mark: Just as soon as the one I have breaks.


New words : 习语短语

had me going 让我相信 我被骗了

– made me believe/expect something that turned out to be false

sleep on it 深思熟虑 考虑一晚上,事情等到第二天再解决

– think about something, consider it carefully, wait a while (i.e. until tomorrow) before deciding

Haste makes waste. 欲速则不达

(a proverb) If someone works too quickly, they waste materials and/or time fixing their mistakes.

(have) my heart set on (something) 一心一意想做某事,想要某事

– wanted something, chose it already, am counting on having it

treat oneself (to something) 用某物来犒劳、奖赏、招待某人

– buy something for yourself, or do something for yourself, mainly to feel good (NOT treat yourself to a dental X-ray, POSSIBLY treat yourself to a nice dinner)

get suckered into (something / doing something) 被蒙骗/受愚弄 做某事

– get persuaded, usually without such good reasons, to buy or do something

impulsive 冲动的,鲁莽的

–making quick decisions, by whim
