英语听力精选进阶版 19618(在线收听

Done and dusted 一项工作彻底告一段落 

The script of this programme 本节目台词

Housework is never ending

Neil: Hello, welcome to Authentic Real English, I'm Neil and joining me in the studio is Helen.

Helen: Hello everyone. It's nice to relax a bit. It's been a crazy few weeks. We had just four weeks to buy our new home.

Neil: Oh no, four weeks! That's not really much time.

Helen: I know. Luckily the lawyers were very helpful. We got the mortgage in time and we completed the purchase last weekend.

Neil: So you've finally got your own place.

Helen: Yes, the money has exchanged hands and we got our keys yesterday!

Neil: Brilliant, so it's all done and dusted then.

Helen: No, we haven't had the chance to inspect the house yet. Never mind dusting it.

Neil: I wasn't talking about dusting the house!

Helen: But I heard you ask if it was done and dusted.

Neil: Oh, it's just a way of saying everything is OK now - nothing else needs doing. You've closed the deal on your house purchase. It's done and dusted.

Helen: 原来 done and dusted 是全部完成,完毕的意思。我才拿到钥匙,还没空去呢,怎么可能就已经完成打扫卫生了呢?

Neil: Done and dusted is actually a very common expression. We hear it a lot at work. And usually it means something has been completed successfully, there's no more work to be done on it. Let's hear some examples.


The dispute between me and the Council about my parking ticket has been resolved. It's done and dusted. 

After two months of hard work, the project is finally done and dusted. 

About this logo design... as far as I'm concerned, it's done and dusted. 

Helen: 好了从上面的例句中我们能看到 done and dusted 是一个口语化的表达,说什么事情全部完成,到此告一段落。

Neil: That's right. And this programme is now done and dusted.

Helen: Thanks for listening. Join us next time for more useful English expressions.

Neil: Bye.

Helen: Bye.
