美国小学英语教材5:第277课 约翰去了玩具谷(7)(在线收听

They were carving little wooden horses and doing it very quickly. The oldest boy made the first cuts in the rude block. Father Herder finished hewing out the form and then passed it along to Mother Herder, who, with her small, sharp tools, quickly and neatly separated the hind legs, smoothed and shaped them, cut down the front legs until they were slender and shapely, modeled the ears, the nose, the neck, until the little horse, no larger than your hand, looked quite alive. Then she passed it to her boy Henrico, who, with a little tool, made some long, fine lines to represent the mane.


John went and stood behind Henrico. He longed to take the little tool and try, but he only said, “It looks easy to do.”


“Yes,” said Henrico, proudly, “I learned it all this winter. When I first tried, the lines went crosswise and looked not at all like a horse’s mane. But now, see,” and he moved the tool very quickly; the shavings rolled out, and the mane grew under his skillful touch in quite a wonderful way.

