
New York City Aims to Go Fully Zero Waste by 2030

“Hey, how are you?”


“Dropping off some stuff for 101 productions.”


New York City theaters have an unusual performance underway.


Producers, actors and costume designers from downtown theaters are coming together to drop off used decorations and costumes for a cause.


“Everybody brings in all of the clothes that they’re not using anymore.


A lot of their partners’ clothes, kids’ clothes. And we all trade and switch in people and end up with new items and then everything else gets donated.”


This card comes straight from the play Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.


Well, from the backstage.


“Harry Potter’s. There was, there was something that I think I’ll get snatched up.”


Activist at the 101 Productions company are busy staging the musical Pretty Woman.


But despite their busy schedules, they decided to participate as well.


“With all the things that are going on, with climate change, it’s really important that as a community we are at the forefront of making sure that items are donated and recycled.”


In New York, recycling and waste sorting has become a priority as a city that annually creates some 14 million tons of waste learns how to clean up.


“This is just a life changer. It’s that your kitchen never knows that because there’s nothing decomposing in your trash bin.”


Some New Yorkers are even taking classes about zero waste organized by the city authorities.


The goal is to teach people how to move from a disposable lifestyle to a recycling lifestyle.


To help, they also hired ecologists and psychologists.


“Start with small things, changing over your water bottles to reusable, then do maybe your coffee cup, then work on, weaning yourself up paper towels.


There’s different ways, you know, that maybe you want to start buying local food.”


New York City has an ambitious plan to go fully zero waste by 2030.


However, as of yet, the Big Apple is not demonstrating the best results.


Only 17 percent of waste gets recycled, which isn’t a great record and has even dropped from recent years.


But more and more people are trying, even international visitors are offering to help.


“Hi, people, I don’t need my coat. Is this okay to leave it here with you people?”“Yeah.”


“Thank you very much. I’m from Australia and I’ve had the coat for too long. It’s summer over there. We’re already swimming.”


Everyone is getting into the act, even the Time Square star, The Naked Cowboy, is supportive.


Although unlike some of the tourists, he doesn’t really have much clothing to recycle.

