英语PK台 第1048期:《惊魂理发店》的艰难选择(在线收听


1. He came in without a word. I was stropping my best razor. And when I recognized him, I started to shake. But he did not notice. He was taking off his belt with the pistol holster. He put it on a hook in the wardrobe and hung his cap above it. Then he turned toward me and, loosening his tie, remarked, “It’s hot as the devil, I want a shave.” With that he took his seat.


2. I estimated he had a four days’ growth of beard; the four days he had been gone on the last hunt for our men. His face looked burnt, tanned by the sun. “The fellows in the troop must have just about as much beard as I.” I went on stirring up lather. “But we did very well, you know. We caught the leaders. Some of them we brought back dead; others are still alive. But they’ll all be dead soon.” 

我估计他的胡子已经四天没剃了。这四天正是他最后一次搜寻我们的人的时间。他的脸被太阳晒得黝黑,看上去已经晒伤了。“部队里的弟兄们肯定也跟我一样胡子拉碴的。” 我继续搅拌着肥皂泡。“但我们做得很好,你知道。我们抓住了他们的几个带头的。其中有几个被带回来后就死了,剩下的几个还活着。但他们也活不了多久。”

3. “How many did you take?” I asked. “Fourteen. We had to go pretty far in to find them. But now they’re paying for it. And not one will escape; not a single one.” He leaned back in the chair when he saw the brush in my hand, full of lather. I was certainly flustered. Taking a sheet from the drawer, I tied it around my customer’s neck. 


4. His name was Torres. Captain Torres. He kept his eyes closed. “I would love to catch a nap,” he said, “but there’s a lot to be done this evening.” I lifted the brush and asked, with pretended indifference: “A firing party?” “Something of the sort,” he replied, “but slower.” “All of them?” “No, just a few.” My hands began to tremble again. I wished he had not come in. Probably many of our men had seen him enter the shop. And with the enemy in my house I felt a certain responsibility. 


5. I would have to shave his beard just like any other, carefully, neatly, just as though he were a good customer, taking heed that not a single pore should emit a drop of blood. Taking care that the skin was left clean, soft, shining, so that when I passed the back of my hand over it not a single hair should be felt. Yes. I was secretly a revolutionary, but at the same time I was a conscientious barber, proud of the way I did my job. And that four-day beard presented a challenge. 


6. I took up the razor and started to work, downward from one side. The blade responded to perfection. The hair was tough and hard; not very long, but thick. Little by little the skin began to show through. The razor gave its usual sound as it gathered up layers of soap mixed with bits of hair. 


7. It was a curly beard. The pores might open, minutely, in this area and let out a tiny drop of blood. A good barber like myself stakes his reputation on not permitting that to happen to any of his customers. And this was indeed a special customer. How many of ours had he sent to their death? How many had he mutilated? It was best not to think about it. Torres did not know I was his enemy. Neither he nor the others knew it. So it was going to be very difficult to explain how it was that I had him in my hands and then let him go in peace, alive, clean-shaven. 


8. I cannot keep my thoughts in order. I am a revolutionary but not a murderer. And it would be so easy to kill him. He deserves it. Or does he? No! No one deserves the sacrifice others make in becoming assassins. What is to be gained by it? Nothing. I could cut his throat, so, swish, swish! He would not even have time to moan, and with his eyes shut he would not even see the shine of the razor or the gleam in my eye. 


9. But I’m shaking like a regular murderer. From his throat a stream of blood would flow on the sheet, over the chair, down on my hands, onto the floor. What would I do then with the body? Where would I hide it? I would have to flee, leave all this behind, take shelter far away, very far away. But they would follow until they caught up with me. “The murderer of Captain Torres. He slit his throat while he was shaving him. What a cowardly thing to do!”


10. And others would say, “The avenger of our people. A name to remember”—my name here. “He was the town barber. No one knew he was fighting for our cause.” And so, which will it be? Murderer or hero? My fate hangs on the edge of this razor blade. 


11. But I don’t want to be a murderer. No, sir. You came in to be shaved. And I do my work honorably. I don’t want to stain my hands with blood. Just with lather, and nothing else. You are an executioner; I am only a barber. Each one to his job. That’s it. Each one to his job. The chin was now clean, polished, soft. The man got up and looked at himself in the mirror. “Thanks,” he said. He walked to the wardrobe for his belt, his pistol, and his cap. I must have been very pale, and I felt my shirt soaked with sweat. He started toward the door, but stopped for a moment, and turning toward me, he said: “They told me you would kill me. I came to find out if it was true. But it’s not easy to kill. I know what I’m talking about.”

