2018年经济学人 自由交流:数字无产者(1)(在线收听


Finance and Economics


Free Exchange: The digital proletariat


Economists propose a radical solution to the problems posed by artificial intelligence.

针对因人工智能而造成的各种问题, 经济学家提出一项激进的建议。

You have multiple jobs, whether you know it or not.


Most begin first thing in the morning, when you pick up your phone and begin generating the data that make up Silicon Valley's most important resource.


That, at least, is how we ought to think about the role of data-creation in the economy, according to a fascinating new economics paper.


We are all digital labourers, helping make possible the fortunes generated by firms like Google and Facebook, the authors argue.


If the economy is to function properly in the future—and if a crisis of technological unemployment is to be avoided—we must take account of this, and change the relationship between big internet companies and their users.


Artificial intelligence (AI) is getting better all the time, and stands poised to transform a host of industries, say the authors (Imanol Arrieta Ibarra and Diego Jimenez Hernandez, of Stanford University, Leonard Goff, of Columbia University, and Jaron Lanier and Glen Weyl, of Microsoft).

这篇论文的作者们(斯坦福大学的 Imanol Arrieta Ibarra 和 Diego Jimenez Hernandez,哥伦比亚大学的 Leonard Goff 和 微软公司的 Jaron Lanier and Glen Weyl)写道,人工智能(AI)一直都在完善之中并将彻底改变一些行业。

But, in order to learn to drive a car or recognise a face, the algorithms that make clever machines tick must usually be trained on massive amounts of data.


Internet firms gather these data from users every time they click on a Google search result, say, or issue a command to Alexa.

