2018年经济学人 一周要闻 中国疫苗安全引全球关注 萨尔瓦多与中国建交 澳总理遭党内议员“逼宫”(在线收听


Zimbabwe’s Constitutional Court heard a challenge from the opposition to the recent election of President Emmerson Mnangagwa. After a delay in publishing the results, the electoral commission declared Mr Mnangagwa the winner with 51% of the vote, but the opposition says “massive doctoring” of the ballot has taken place. It cited identical results at 16 different polling stations as part of its evidence.


Public prosecutors in Saudi Arabia sought the death penalty for five activists, including Israa al-Ghomgham, who has highlighted discrimination against Shias. She is the first female campaigner to face execution in the kingdom. The five are accused of inciting protest, among other things.

沙特的检察官要求对5名活动人士判处死刑,其中包括伊丝拉·戈姆厄姆(israel al-Ghomgham),她强调了针对什叶派的歧视。她是沙特阿拉伯首位面临死刑的女性竞选者。这5名人士被控煽动抗议等行为。

No one is immune


The World Health Organisation warned of a “dramatic increase in infections and extended outbreaks” of measles in Europe. More than 41,000 children and adults contracted the disease in the first half of the year, well above the annual total for each year this decade. At least 37 people have died. Ukraine accounted for over half of those infected.


Followinga damning report into child abuse by Catholic priests in Pennsylvania, Pope Francis issued a letter condemning the history of “atrocities” in the church. The pontiff acknowledged that “with shame and repentance...we were not where we should have been” when it came to supporting the victims.


Italy’s hardline interior minister, Matteo Salvini, refused to allow 177 refugees off an Italian ship that had rescued them at sea. In his short time in office Mr Salvini has built a reputation for being tough on migrants. He said he would give permission for the refugees to disembark once he received assurances that they would be distributed among all European Union countries.

意大利强硬的内政部长马特奥·萨尔维尼(Matteo Salvini)拒绝让一艘意大利船只靠岸,这艘船在海上搭救了177名难民。虽然任期不长,但是萨尔维尼以强硬对待移民的态度闻名。他说,只要接到这些难民将分往所有欧盟国家的保证,他就允许这些难民上岸。

Britain’s Brexit secretary, Dominic Raab, resumed talks with the EU’s negotiator, Michel Barnier. Officials are increasingly gloomy about a deal being reached in time for approval by EU leaders at a summit in mid-October. The British government published its first batch of technical-advice papers on what would happen if there is no deal.

英国脱欧大臣多米尼克·拉布(Dominic Raab)与欧盟谈判代表米歇尔·巴尼耶(Michel Barnier)重新恢复了谈判。在10月中旬举行的欧盟峰会上,欧盟官员对协议能否及时达成愈加悲观。英国政府发布了第一批技术咨询文件,讨论如果协议没有达成的后续事宜。

A smaller circle of friends


El Salvador switched its diplomatic allegiance from Taiwan to China. The defection leaves Taiwan with formal relations with just 17 countries.


The Chinese Communist Party announced that it had taken measures against two senior officials in connection with a safety scandal at a vaccine-maker. A vice-governor in charge of drug safety in Jilin province, where the firm is based, has been sacked and a former deputy head of the country’s food-and-drug regulator will be investigated for corruption. More than 40 government officials have also been implicated.


The Chinese foreign ministry lashed out at Andy Chan, a Hong Kong resident who has been campaigning for the territory’s independence. It accused Mr Chan of “colluding with external forces” by calling for both China and HongKong to be expelled from the WTO because of a “rapid deterioration of freedoms”.

中国外交部强烈谴责一直鼓吹“港独”的香港居民陈浩天(Andy Chan)。外交部指责陈浩天“与外部势力勾结”,他呼吁鉴于“自由迅速恶化”,撤销香港及中国的世贸组织成员身分。

The southern Indian state of Kerala was hit by the worst monsoon floods in a century. Over 370 people have died.


Malcolm Turnbull, Australia’s prime minister, offered to stand aside if a majority of MPs from his party called for it. Three ministers are competing to succeed him. If he goes it will be Australia’s fifth change of prime minister in a decade.

澳大利亚总理马尔科姆·特恩布尔(Malcolm Turnbull)提出,如果所在政党的多数议员要求他退出,那么他将卸任。三位部长正在竞争,欲接替其职位。如果他下台,这将是澳大利亚10年来第5次更换总理。
