英语新闻听写 超过一半的美国人呼吸被污染的空气(在线收听

The American Lung Association’s 2016 State of the Air report claims that 52% of Americans live in counties with dangerous levels of particle or ozone pollution.


That's 166 million people. National President and CEO of the association, Harold P. Wimmer, says that this percentage is actually an improvement, but he did add that climate change is making it more difficult to put a dent in the numbers.


Ozone pollution, which is mainly caused by cars and factory emissions, can cause serious conditions, including chest pain, coughing, and throat irritation.


The 2016 State of the Air report examined data from 2012 to 2014. Six of the top ten most polluted counties were in California, with Los Angeles topping the list at number one.

