国家地理 拉响关于水质的警报(5)(在线收听

So far, U.S. leaders have approved only a small fraction of what Puerto Rico needs to protect itself. By shortchanging this American island, we are condemning it to more climate-related destruction and an ongoing water crisis. And many other vulnerable communities are in the same fix.


Across America, the first step in securing clean drinking water is better information. In 2016, New York became the first state in the country to require school districts to test drinking water sources for lead, something the Safe Drinking Water Act fails to do.


NRDC looked at the data on drinking water from New York State's public schools. Our analysis showed that 82 percent of public schools in New York had one or more taps that exceeded the state's lead action level -- and as you might expect, the problem was worse in lower-income schools.

