英语新闻听写 iOS 9.3新增夜间模式(在线收听

In a recent preview for iOS 9.3, Apple teased a new feature called Night Shift that does exactly what a sun does.

近日,苹果推出iOS 9.3预测版,并将增添“夜间”模式。

In the not-so-distant future, your personal tech will behave like the sun.


It will rise and shine brightly in the morning, and set and dim its lights as the day winds down.


The color of your screen display will be automatically altered to make it orange-colored in the evening.


Amazon released a similar feature, called Blue Shade, in an OS update for its Kindle Fire reading tablets.

亚马逊推出OS 升级版Kindle Fire阅读器,并新增“Blue Shade”功能。
