英语新闻听写 YouTube加入T-Mobile免费看视频套餐(在线收听

Tursday, CEO John Legere of T-Mobile announced that T-Mobile users can now "binge on" YouTube videos without wasting any data or money.

周四,T-Mobile首席执行官约翰·兰吉儿表示,T-Mobile用户可通过“binge on”服务观看YouTube视频,且不消耗手机流量。

Customers are now able to let the Google-owned platform be part of its program "Binge On," which lets customers stream video from popular brands on their phones without additional costs.

谷歌旗下网站(YouTube)加入Binge On大家庭,看视频不花钱。

This includes Netflix, Hulu Youtube, and UStream.


"Binge On is a real phenomenon, it's totally changing how our customers stream video for the better," Legere said in his Twitter video. "

兰吉儿在“推特”视频中表示,“binge on”可谓天下奇观,彻底改变了用户的视频体验。

Millions are streaming two times more per day than they were before the launch of Binge On."

自发行“binge on”以来,数百万用户日观看时间超两倍。
