英语新闻听写 Xbox One可变为游戏开发机(在线收听

Microsoft is finally making good on its promise three years ago to make the Xbox One more hacker and developer friendly.

三年前,微软曾许下承诺,要将Xbox One变身开发机,这一承诺终于实现。

With the latest Windows 10 Anniversary Update release, Microsoft announced that the Xbox One can now be turned into a developer kit unit with just a few clicks.

随着Windows 10进行年度升级,轻击几下鼠标,Xbox One即刻变身开发工具。

This would allow players to test out indie game previews, and test out builds.


This is all part of Microsoft's move to support a closer relationship between Windows 10 users and the Xbox One.

此举使Windows 10用户和Xbox One玩家融为一体。
