福克斯新闻 在德克萨斯枪杀案6名遇难者中有4位儿童(在线收听

Ron Haskell is charged with multiple counts of capital murder in the deaths of six people, four of them kids.

Constable Ron Hickman, with the Harris County Sheriff's Office, says it stemmed from a domestic situation.

(Hickman) "We believe he was married to one of the family members, relatives… in-laws or something like that."

He says Haskell went to the home, gathered the kids, and waited for the parents to come home.

(Hickman) "I've not personally, in forty years, seen a tragedy in one family that's this horrific, and it certainly is an impactful situation for everyone involved."

He says Haskell was caught following a low-speed pursuit, after one of the victims called police and told them where he might be headed.

Tonya J. Powers, FOX News Radio.
