福克斯新闻 美国国家橄榄球联盟的形象问题?(在线收听

Image consultant Maurice Bonamigo says it remains to be seen what's next, but that…

形象顾问Maurice Bonamigo说:还有待看进一步发展,但……

(Bonamigo) "The NFL's very much so in crisis mode."

(Bonamigo) "His credibility is lacking. He doesn't know what he's doing. If he's coming or going, or what should he do, or what shouldn't he do. And, for God's sakes, get a back bone."


And, abuse allegations target other players. Most recently, Minnesota's Adrian Peterson. All diverting the kick off to football season to abuse, legal implications, a possible cover-up, and calls for the head of football to step down.


Either way, domestic violence has never had a bigger platform, putting more pressure on sports and fans at home, to stop it.


Jeff Monosso, FOX News Radio.

这里是福克斯新闻广播,Jeff Monosso为您播报。
