福克斯新闻 ISIS组织发布了有一段人质录像(在线收听

It's a second film featuring a British journalist called John Cantlie, who's being held hostage by ISIS. A similar video featuring the same reporter emerged last week.

这是ISIS组织录制的第二个人质录像,录像讲述的是英国记者John Cantlie,他被ISIS组织劫持为人质。上周出现了一段类似的录像,讲述的也是这名记者。

Just like in the first installment, no threat is made to the reporter's life. Instead he's behind a desk and appears to be reading a script calling the U.S. led coalition to tackle ISIS… a circus –and saying the operation is a potential mess.


ISIS is also threatening to kill another British man, just like the two American journalists and British aid worker before him.


Separately, an al-Qaeda splinter group in North Africa has published a video saying it will kill a Frenchman being held hostage, unless France calls off its involvement in airstrikes in Iraq.


In London, Simon Owen, FOX News Radio.

这里是伦敦福克斯新闻广播,Simon Owen为您播报。
