福克斯新闻 埃博拉疫情蔓延警示(在线收听

The UN Health Agency warned many more people could die if the response isn't stepped up. The official death toll has risen to over 4,400, although the true number is likely to be higher. And WHO Assistant Director-General Dr. Bruce Aylward says the rate of infection is expected to increase.


(Dr. Aylward) "We went out to 60 days with some of the projections that we've been doing in terms of case numbers… we anticipate that the number of cases per week by that time is going to be somewhere between 5,000 and 10,000 a week."


The death rate from the disease is now a worrying 70%.


The UN says it is trying to treat as many as possible despite huge demands on health systems in affected countries.


Kitty Logan, FOX News Radio.

