福克斯新闻 达拉斯护士范妮娜康复出院(在线收听

Nurse Nina Pham became infected with Ebola while caring for the now-deceased Thomas Eric Duncan at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas. Pham was taken to a government research hospital in Maryland for treatment and now has no signs of the virus…

范妮娜在达拉斯的德州卫生长老会医院护理已故埃博拉感染者托马斯·艾瑞克(Thomas Eric)时感染了埃博拉病毒,后被送往马里兰州的政府研究院治疗。如今,范妮娜体内已经没有埃博拉病毒……

(Pham) “Throughout this ordeal, I have put my trust in God and my medical team. I am on my way back to recovery, even as I reflect on how many others have not been so fortunate.”


Pham appeared in public, dressed up and walking on her own power. Her colleague, Amber Vinson, also became infected and is said have to have recovered as well.


Eben Brown, FOX News Radio.

