福克斯新闻 在华盛顿校园枪击案中受伤的女孩死亡(在线收听

On Friday, 14-year-old Jaylen Fryberg opened fire in the Marysville-Pilchuck school cafeteria — killing a girl and wounding four others before killing himself. But over the weekend one of the injured, 14-year-old Gia Soriano, died. Two of the injured boys were Fryberg's cousins.

周五,14岁杰棱·弗莱柏格(Jaylen Fryberg)在马里斯维尔·皮尔查克(Marysville-Pilchuck)学校食堂开枪——一名女孩被枪击致死,另有4名学生受伤,随后弗莱柏格自杀身亡。上周末,14岁女孩吉娅(Gia Soriano)(枪击案中受伤的学生之一)死亡。其中两名受伤男子是弗莱柏格的堂兄弟。

(Berg) "We have a choice. A tragedy like this can tear us apart or make us closer and stronger than ever."


Marysville school district superintendent Becky Berg spoke at a weekend vigil. Witnesses said Fryberg was a popular kid , a football player, and a week earlier was homecoming prince of his class.

马里斯维尔的校区负责人贝基·伯格(Becky Berg)在周末守夜时说。目击者称弗莱柏格是个受欢迎的孩子,是个足球运动员,一周前,他还被选为班级里的返校节王子。

Jessica Rosenthal, FOX News Radio.

