福克斯新闻 医务人员面临强制性埃博拉隔离(在线收听

The Governors of New York and New Jersey are at odds with scientists over Ebola… Backing mandatory 21-day quarantines for returning medical workers who have had contact with Ebola patients.


New York Governor Andrew Cuomo loosened some of the quarantine restrictions, but says his state's trying to stay one step ahead.

纽约州州长安德鲁·库默(Andrew Cuomo)放松了一些检疫管制,但称纽约州正努力保持领先一步。

(Cuomo) "Some people will say we're being too cautious. I'll take that criticism, because that's better than the alternative."


New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is sticking with the mandatory quarantine, and says he's got an obligation to protect the people in his state… Calling the CDC guidelines a "moving target".

新泽西州州长克里斯·克里斯蒂(Chris Christie)坚持进行强制隔离,他还说,他有责任保护新泽西州的公民…美国疾病控制和预防中心的指南是个”活靶子”。

In New York, Tonya J. Powers, FOX News Radio.

这里是纽约福克斯新闻广播,Tonya J. Powers为您播报。
