2020年经济学人 巴托比职场专栏--女性的职场发展(2)(在线收听

In the other tale Ms King, on her first day in a new job, walked into a kitchen full of men. Her boss said “Hey, Michelle, there are dishes in the sink and you are a woman, so, you know, wash them.” His colleagues laughed. When she protested, she was told to learn to take a joke.

在另一个故事中,金女士在她新工作的第一天,走进了一个满是男性的厨房。她的老板说:“嘿,米歇尔,水槽里有盘子,你是女人,所以,你懂得,把它们洗了吧。” 他的同事们都笑了。当她抗议时,她被告知要学会开玩笑。

Bullying disguised as humour is still bullying. And women are expected to put up with it. They must also tolerate different dress standards. Boris Johnson, Britain’s prime minister, often messes up his hair before public appearances to maintain his “lovable buffoon” image. Dominic Cummings, his adviser, dresses scruffily, which suits his persona as the “eccentric genius”. It is hard to imagine any woman reaching a position of political power while adopting a similar style.


Sometimes the excuse for the lack of female progress in certain professions is that women and men naturally choose to pursue different career paths. Yet those outcomes may simply be the result of formal or informal barriers against female success. At the end of the 19th century, when only 4-5% of American doctors were women, some men no doubt put this down to a lack of aptitude. Many medical schools, perhaps sharing that preconception, did not admit female candidates; Harvard’s began accepting women only after the second world war. In Britain women were not allowed to become practising lawyers until they were admitted to the Law Society in 1922.


In both professions the playing field was eventually levelled. The result? In 2017 more women were admitted to American medical schools than men for the first time. By 2018 half of British solicitors were female.


Another common argument is that it makes sense for married people to specialise, with the man taking on higher-paid employment and the woman doing more of the chores. It is equally dubious. One study, for instance, found that husbands who earn less than their wives do even less housework than those who earn more.


Many of the arguments that women’s lack of progress is down to aptitude or choice look like a convenient fiction for men, who do rather well out of the bargain. Women, who end up doing most of the chores as well as working long hours, get a raw deal. It is not them who need to change—it is the attitudes of men.

