福克斯新闻 《杀死一只知更鸟》作者再出新书(在线收听

“To Kill A Mockingbird” is Harper Lee's best-known work.


And up to now, it's been her only published work.


But publisher Harper has announced that “Go Set A Watchman”, which was completed in the 1950's and set aside, will be released on July 14th.


The book, which was discovered last fall, takes place 20 years after “To Kill A Mockingbird”, which was made into a movie in 1960.

这本书是在去年秋天被发现, 讲述的是1960年被拍成的电影《杀死一只知更鸟》20年后的故事。

“Will you please catch it with your left hand? I can't, sir.


Why can't you? I can't use my left hand at all.”


The publisher says the new book will be released as it was written-with no revisions.


Lee is 88, and still lives in her hometown of Monroeville, Alabama, and has rarely spoken to the media since the 60's.

