
JOHN YANG: Pressure on Facebook has been mounting for weeks, after news broke that tens of millions of users of the social media site had their personal information exploited in ways the company had not previously acknowledged. Tensions over Facebook's business and breaches of user privacy are the focus of our weekly series on economics, Making Sense. Facebook's crisis of confidence with both its users and lawmakers is deepening with new revelations. The social media giant said it now believes that up to 87 million people, mostly in the United States, had their data improperly shared with Cambridge Analytica, the British-based political consulting firm that worked for the Trump campaign and others. Facebook CEO and founder Mark Zuckerberg also admitted that outsiders likely accessed public profiles for most of the platform's two billion users at some point without explicit permission. It's certain to intensify scrutiny from Congress next week when Zuckerberg testifies.

SEN.RICHARD BLUMENTHAL (D), Connecticut: Privacy is clearly at risk in America. And Mark Zuckerberg ought to be before the Judiciary Committee in public, under oath.

JOHN YANG: The Federal Trade Commission is also investigating Facebook for possible violations of a 2011 agreement to protect users' privacy. The trail of trouble began with data collected by a researcher who created a personality profiling app on Facebook. That gave the researcher access to information about tens of millions of users. Facebook says all that information was improperly turned over to Cambridge Analytica. It then targeted individuals with emotionally charged content on behalf of the Trump campaign.

ALEXANDER NIX, CEO, Cambridge Analytica: If you know the personality of the people you're targeting, you can nuance your messaging to resonate more effectively with those key audience groups.

JOHN YANG: Last month, Zuckerberg spoke to CNN about the scandal.

MARK ZUCKERBERG, Founder, Facebook: So, this was a major breach of trust, and I'm really sorry that this happened. You know, we have a basic responsibility to protect people's data. And if we can't do that, then we don't deserve to have the opportunity to serve people.

JOHN YANG: It turns out Facebook was aware for at least two years that the data was being harvested in this way, but didn't disclose it until last month. Yesterday, Zuckerberg admitted he made a huge mistake. Facebook now says it will limit third-party access to data and make it easier for users to remove data-gathering apps from their profiles. The company said that on Monday it will begin alerting the users whose data was shared with Cambridge Analytica. All of this follows earlier disclosures that Russian provocateurs used Facebook to place ads and post fake news, trying to influence the 2016 election.

约翰·杨:脸谱网的压力已经持续数周,并不断上涨,此前有消息称,社交媒体网站上有数以千万计的用户,他们的个人信息被公司以从未承认过的方式利用。脸谱网业务及其分支机构因侵犯用户隐私,所面临的压力局面是我们每周经济系列节目Making Sense,本周关注的焦点。伴随新的事态披露,其用户与立法者对脸谱网的信心危机正在加剧。这个社交媒体巨头表示,它现在相信,有多达8700万人的数据被Cambridge Analytica非合理获取,这些人大部分在美国,Cambridge Analytica是一家英国的政治咨询公司,曾为特朗普竞选活动及其他工作助力。脸谱网首席执行官兼创始人马克·扎克伯格也承认,外部人士可能在未经明确许可的情况下,在某个时间点访问了该平台二十亿用户中大部分人的个人账户。下周扎克伯格作证时,国会肯定会加大审查力度。参议员理查德·布卢门撒尔,康涅狄格:显然个人隐私在美国面临风险。马克·扎克伯格应该在司法委员会面前公开宣誓。


亚力山大·尼克斯,Cambridge Analytica首席执行官:如果你了解目标人群的个性,你可以针对那些主要受众群体,微调你的消息,更有效地引起他们的共鸣。



约翰·杨:事实证明,脸谱网至少在两年前就已经意识到数据正在以这种方式被收割,但直到上个月才将这一切公之于众。昨天,扎克伯格承认他犯了一个巨大的错误。脸谱网现在表示,它将对第三方的数据访问采取限制措施,并简化用户从其个人账户中移除数据收集应用程序的操作过程。该公司表示周一它将开始向数据遭Cambridge Analytica共享的用户发起警报。所有这一切都是此前俄罗斯坐探用脸谱网发布广告和炮制假消息,试图影响2016年大选的余波。
