福克斯新闻 毕加索画作天价成交 创艺术品拍卖纪录(在线收听

Pablo Picasso's 1955 painting “The Women of Algiers (Version O)” is now the most expensive artwork ever sold at auction.


“160 million, Brett. It's yours, sold!”


Add a 12% commission for Christie's Auction House in New York, and the anonymous buyer pays more than 179 million — breaking the record price, paid for a Francis Bacon painting two years ago.

加上付给纽约佳士得拍卖行12%的佣金,这位匿名买家以超过1.79亿美元的价格收得这幅巨作,打破了2年前弗朗西斯·培根 画作的购买纪录。

Also at this Christie's Auction, the life-size sculpture “Pointing Man” by Alberto Giacometti sold for 141 million.

