2020年CRI 孟晚舟出席引渡听证会(在线收听

Chinese medical experts have confirmed that a novel coronavirus that causes pneumonia can be passed from person to person.


Renowned respiratory expert Zhong Nanshan says there's enough evidence showing that the coronavirus is contagious among humans.


"There are two patients in Guangdong who had not been to Wuhan, but caught the novel coronavirus after their family members came back from Wuhan."


Zhong adds that the source of the virus may come from wild animals sold under the disguise of a seafood market in Wuhan.


Local authorities have reportedly shut down these places selling the animals.


Zhong says much more about the virus needs to be studied, including exactly what animal is carrying it.


He suggested that the new virus is not as contagious, nor as dangerous as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, better known as SARS.


Over 200 cases of pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus have been confirmed in China so far.


Over 90 percent of them are in Wuhan, while the rest are in Beijing, Guangdong and Shanghai.


15 medical workers in Wuhan have also been diagnosed with the disease.


Meantime, five suspected cases have been reported in provinces including Sichuan and Shandong.


Four cases have been confirmed in other Asian countries — Japan, Thailand and South Korea.


President Xi Jinping has ordered maximum effort to curb the spread of the disease.


China is again calling for an immediate release of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou.


The first stage of her extradition hearing began on Monday in a Vancouver courtroom.


Meng was arrested by Canadian authorities in late 2018 at the request of the United States.


Washington is seeking her extradition on fraud charges.


Both Meng and Huawei have repeatedly denied any wrongdoing.


China has accused the US and Canada of violating Meng's rights.


President Donald Trump has again rejected the Democratic-led House of Representatives' impeachment charges.


He described the allegations that he abused his power and obstructed Congress as affronts to the U.S. Constitution that must be rejected.


The Senate impeachment trial will begin later on today.


Trump's legal team has said that the president was well within his constitutional authority and that he is protected by the U.S. Constitution's separation of powers provisions.


Russian President Vladimir Putin has submitted to parliament a package of constitutional amendments.


The changes were proposed during his state-of-the-nation address last week in what he called a move to improve the regulation of the government.


The amendments include a proposal to ban top government officials from having foreign citizenship or residence permits.


The first of three required readings on the amendments has been scheduled for Thursday.


Iran says it's planning a "more effective" step to reduce its commitment to the nuclear deal signed with international powers in 2015.


Foreign ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi issued the warning after Britain, France and Germany triggered a dispute system over Iran's breaches of the agreement.


"The 5th step was almost the final step in reducing our commitments under the JCPOA, but if these statements by Europeans continue, we will design a final and more effective step."


The deal has been on the verge of collapse since US President Donald Trump withdrew from the agreement last year.


Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says Iran will leave the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) if the dispute over it is sent to the UN Security Council.


He also says Iran will re-embrace its nuclear commitments if the Europeans honor their own obligations and help Iran reap economic interests that the nuclear deal safeguarded.


The International Monetary Fund says low interest rates and reduced trade tensions will likely buoy the global economy over the next couple of years.


It foresees world economic growth accelerating from 2.9 percent last year to 3.3 percent this year and 3.4 percent in 2021.


Presenting its global outlook report in Davos, Switzerland, IMF chief Kristalina Georgieva says the phase one trade deal between China and the United States is expected to add to global growth.


"A US-China phase one deal, if durable, is expected to reduce the cumulative negative impact of the trade tensions on global GDP by end 2020 from 0.8 per cent, which we had calculated last October, to 0.5 per cent."


Still, the IMF warns that the global economy continues to face an array of risks.

