福克斯新闻 白宫推Spotify音乐专辑 奥巴马钦点曲目(在线收听

The White House launched an official channel on Spotify this morning with two playlists hand-created by the President.


The President's daytime playlist includes The Rolling Stones' “Gimme Shelter” and “Ain't Too Proud To Beg” by the Temptations.

总统的日间播放歌单包括滚石乐队的《Gimme Shelter》及Temptations的《Ain't Too Proud To Beg》。

His evening playlist includes Van Morrison's “Moondance” and Frank Sinatra's “The Best is Yet to Come”.

而他的晚间歌单包括范·莫里森的《Moondance》及弗兰克·西纳特拉的《The Best is Yet to Come》。

The full playlist can be found on WhiteHouse.gov.


The White House says the new Spotify channel will also share playlists created by people working for the President.

