福克斯新闻 美国白宫任命首位公开变性身份官员(在线收听

Raffi Freedman-Gurspan began work at the White House today serving as an Outreach and Recruitment Director in the Presidential Personnel Office.


With her new job, Freedman-Gurspan becomes the first openly transgender appointee to work inside 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

凭借这份新工作, 佛里德曼·葛斯潘成为宾夕法尼亚大街1600号首位公开变性身份的白宫行政官员。

Freedman-Gurspan was also the first transgender woman to work in the Massachusetts State House where she was instrumental in passing the state's Transgender Equal Rights Law.


Before taking on her current role, Freedman-Gurspan was the a policy adviser at the National Center for Transgender Equality.

