英语新闻听写 基因可"记录过往" 你的经历和记忆会遗传给后代!(在线收听

University of Cambridge have found that in some areas of DNA, including those linked to mental illness and obesity, some of the faults remain.


DNA carries traces of past events meaning poor lifestyle can affect future generations it has been reported.

据报道,基因能够“记录过往” 是指贫穷的生活会影响未来几代人。

Professor Azim Surani, from the Wellcome Trust/Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute at the University of Cambridge, said:

剑桥大学威康信托基金会/英国癌症研究古尔研究所的Azim Surani教授说道:

“The information needs to be reset in every generation before further information is added to regulate development of a newly fertilised egg.


It’s like erasing a computer disk before you add new data."

