英语新闻听写 iPhone 8 可能不具备无线充电功能(在线收听

Rumors that this year's iPhones would include wireless charging capabilities have been swirling for months now,


but the most recent speculation suggests the tech isn't quite going to be ready for the launch of the iPhone 8, the iPhone 7S and the iPhone 7S Plus.

但是根据最新猜测,该项技术还不完善,无法运用于iPhone 8、iPhone 7S以及iPhone 7S Plus中,

This word on the Apple street comes from a reliable source as well - it's from seasoned developer, blogger and Apple watcher John Gruber,

这个消息来源可靠——其来源于资深开发员、博主以及Apple观察员——John Gruber

and well-placed Apple tipsters don't really come much better.


Gruber tweeted that a wireless charging accessory will be sold separately, and might not be ready in time for September.

Gruber 在推特发文称,无线充电设备将单独售卖,九月发行可能为时尚早。
