英语新闻听写 美发产品可能提高患乳腺癌的风险(在线收听

According to a new study, black women who use dark hair dyes may face a higher risk of developing breast cancer, while chemical relaxers and straighteners boost the risk in white women. The study, which involved over 4,000 women, found that black women who used dark brown or black dyes had a 51 percent greater risk of developing breast cancer, while white women who used hair relaxers had a 74 percent higher risk.


However, while the study found a possible link between the hair products and breast cancer risk, it did not prove a connection. Study lead author Adana Llanos, said, "The reality is that we regularly encounter a variety of harmful exposures, which we have no control over. We should limit or reduce the possibility of harmful exposures when we are able to do so."

