英语新闻听写 夏天就应该去开出租:晴天出租车小费会增加哦(在线收听

For taxi drivers, there’s now a reason to enjoy sunny days even more: Sunshine drives up cab tips, according to research published this month. The study tracked weather and nearly 14 million taxi rides in New York City over a 10-month period and found that a shift from a dark sky to full sunshine was linked to a 0.7% increase in tipping. That’s no big deal for one ride, but over dozens of trips a day, it adds up—accounting for an estimated daily increase of $17,466 in cab tips citywide.

对出租车司机而言,这个夏天更有理由来好好享受了:根据本月发布的一项研究,晴天会增加出租车的小费。这项研究追踪了在各种天气情况下,纽约市1400万出租车司机10个月以来的载客记录,发现天气的改变与0.7%的小费增加有关 。这对一次载客来说可能无关紧要,但是对一天的几十次载客而言,加起来——全市出租车小费收入每天预计能增长17466美元。

With taxi trips being a fairly standardized experience--unlike restaurants, which range dramatically in food quality and atmosphere--the researchers argue that taxicabs are a great model for understanding general tipping behavior, a practice that makes up billions of dollars for the U.S. economy. Researchers couldn’t definitively say why sunshine drove up tips, but suggested it was linked to better moods, which have previously been shown to improve with sunlight.

