英语新闻听写 孩子骑行时戴好头盔能有效防止受伤(在线收听

According to researchers, an average 400,000 children endure cycling injuries in the US each year.


It is also a known fact that more parents are not requiring their children to wear helmets when they are riding.


Medical Professionals recommend that children and adult wear helmets when they ride.


According to Torine Creppy, interim president at Safe Kids Worldwide, We know that kids follow their parents' lead,

据全球儿童安全组织临时主席Torine Creppy称,我们知道孩子跟着父母的引导,

and if they see their parents wearing their helmets, it’s much more likely they’ll do so as well.


And just making sure that kids have a comfortable, properly fitted helmet will do wonders to keep that helmet in place and give kids a safe ride.

