英语新闻听写 值得期待的iOS 11系统(在线收听

iOS 11 news is the star of Apple's WWDC 2017 keynote, with new features ready to make your iPhone and iPad look brand new. It's going to be a big update when you download iOS 11.

iOS 11的相关新闻是2017年苹果全球开发者大会上的重磅消息,该系统的一些新功能会让你的苹果手机和iPad看起来焕然一新。当你安装iOS 11的时候,它会有重大更新。

iOS 11 helps iPad become a true laptop replacement for some with better multitasking, and it gives Control Center a much-needed reorganization. iOS 11 will launch this autumn, according to Apple at its WWDC keynote. You'll be able to download iOS 11 starting today, at least in early form.

iOS 11能让iPad真正成为笔记本电脑的替代品,上面有更好的多任务处理功能,并对控制中心进行了必要的重组。苹果公司在WWDC上宣布,iOS 11将在今年秋天推出。从今天起,你就可以下载早期的iOS 11系统了。
