美联社新闻一分钟 AP 加拿大发生史上最严重枪击案(在线收听

This is AP News Minute.


The Trump administration and congress are nearing an agreement as early as Sunday on an aid package of up to $450 billion. Boosting a small-business loan program that has run out of money and add funds for hospitals and COVID-19 testing.


A Canadian police officer is dead and another injured after shooting rampage in Nova Scotia. The suspect in the active shooter investigation was arrested Sunday at a gas station after the rampage left “multiple victims."


In New York the coronavirus death toll dropped again, a sign that governor Andrew Cuomo said the state was“on the other side of the plateau" and that ongoing social distancing practices were working to stem the spread of the virus.

在纽约,冠状病毒死亡人数再次下降,纽约州州长安德鲁·科莫(Andrew Cuomo)表示,这一迹象表明纽约州“在高点的另一边”,持续的社会疏离措施正在遏制病毒的传播。
